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PVC doors and windows
Durabilitate – La acest capitol, funcționalitatea se îmbină cu esteticul. Tâmplăria este durabilă, rezistentă la capriciile vremii. Foarte ușor de întreținut, asigură etanșeitate la apă și la vânt și iși păstrează nealterat aspectul în timp. Details here! >
Maintenance of the PVC doors and windows
Întreținerea tâmplăriei din PVC e cât se poate de simplă. Spălarea se face cu o lavetă moale din bumbac, celuloză sau lână, și detergenți neutri sau soluții speciale pentru profile PVC. Details here! >
Moisture condensation
Umiditatea relativă la temperatura camerei trebuie să fie cuprinsă între 50-55%. În momentul în care depășește ultima valoare, aerul nu mai poate reține vaporii de apă și aceștia condensează pe suprafața cea mai rece, care într-o încăpere este sticla sau peretele. Details here! >
Moisture condensation
At room temperature, the relative humidity level must be between 50 and 55%. When the maximum level is exceeded, the air will no longer be able to maintain the water vapors, which will precipitates on the coldest surfaces, which, in a room, are usually wall or glass surfaces.

The presence of water vapors in the air is mainly due to human activity. Humans emit 1-2 liters of water a day by breathing. The moisture content of the rooms will be as follows:
  • Light human activities: 30-60 g/h
  • Medium-difficulty human activities: 120-200 g/h
  • Difficult human activities: 200-300 g/h,
  • Bathing in the bathtub: 700 g/h
  • Showering: 2600 g/h
  • Cooking: 500-1500 g/h
  • Indoor plants: 10-20 g/h
  • Free water surfaces: 40 g/h
  • Clothes washed and tumbled: 50-200 g/h
  • Clothes washed and not centrifuged: 100-500 g/h

The phenomenon of moisture condensation is much less common in homes provided with old-style doors and windows. Since these do not insulate properly, they allow the forced, spontaneous ventilation of interior space, thus solving the issue of humidity and moisture condensation. In this case, however, significant heat loss occurs, and therefore, the maintenance costs are higher.

Perfect insulation is one of the major features of PVC doors and windows. This eliminates heat loss, but the risk of moisture condensation appears. Hence, the need for the regular ventilation of the interior and for adequate, low-emissivity glazed windows arises. In the morning, every room needs to be ventilated for 10-15 minutes (especially the bedroom). This should be repeated 3-4 times during the day.
It is not enough to pull the window down, but it needs to be opened wide, because intensive ventilation enables the adequate flow of the air within a short time. Turn off the heating during ventilation. However, please make sure that the room temperature does not drop below +15 ° C, so that the air from the interior can absorb enough humidity. Cross-ventilation by means of a window on the opposite side is rapid and effective, because sometimes it is not enough to open only one window.

Furthermore, one should eliminate, or at least reduce the number of vapor sources - large number of indoor ornamental plants, pets. The furniture should be placed a few inches away from the wall, and the curtains are not to be hung in front of the radiators. The latter may only come down until the level of the window-sills. The doors of the rooms that are less heated should be kept closed. By designing the heating system, radiators are to be placed directly under the windows, so that the heat that they released can maintain the temperature of the glass as close as possible to temperature of the interior. Doors and windows are to be mounted from the middle of the wall toward the inside (in the warm zone), while the interior window-sills have to be designed in a manner so as not to impede the flow of the heat toward the window. After the installation, doors and windows need to be insulated from the outside, as well as from the inside, following the contour of the window frame. In case of balconies, one should first perform the insulation of the exterior walls, the floor and the ceiling. It is necessary to eliminate dampness and to install permanent ventilation systems.
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